I am very proud of myself for finishing this 500+ page book in two weeks! Once again I love how Jodi uses different characters, each taking turns to narrate in her book and Many of Jodi Picoult’s novels pivot on a court case (which I wasn't a fan of court cases before but I enjoy hers). This book was great because it shows you what it means to be different. I normally think of a young child when I think of Asperger’s syndrome not a 18 year old. Jacob had a list of things that he can't stand it definitely made me think of my list of items I can't stand. I fell in love with the mom Emma and I fancy Emma's "House Rules" and what to enforce some of them in our household. Once again Jodi makes the mother to ask herself some tough questions in this case question the innocents of her son. I wasn't craxy about Mark Maguire character and I thought his narrations could have been eliminated . After saying how much I love this book and Jodi's others...I hated the ending. How do you think you might have voted if you were on Jacob’s jury?
What should the next book be, something scary for Halloween? I won't be able to start a new book for about another week or two, I need to get extra things done, bummer
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