July 26, 2011

I want amen

My son comes running up to me saying "I want amen, I want amen, I want amen", I was of course confused by exactly what he wanted so I asked him a few question to really understand what he was saying;
Me: Do you want to say a prayer?
Monkey: No
Me: Do you want to bless yourself?
Monkey: No
Me: Did you do something bad and now trying to be cute?
Monkey: No
Monkey: “I want momma's amen" *Me: really confused bc now it's an object*
Me: (best question to ask a 2 year old when you don't understand him) What COLOR is it momma's "amen"?
Monkey: yellow
Me: Ok go get momma's amen *He runs off and I didn't follow bc I now learn to grab the popcorn and sit back*
5 minutes later he comes running back but runs into the dinner room, and placing one my icon that I favor in my prayers of on the chair, then blesses himself, kisses the icon, bless himself again while spinning in circles (don't ask) then finally yells AMEN.