September 8, 2011

Can you please analyze my dream that I had?

I am one of those people who have a crazy random dream more than once a week and I try to analyze them because I believe my body and mind is trying to tell me something, plus it’s fun :)

Little backround, Tiff has been my best friend since the 4th grade; we are extremely close, still lives around the corner and is expecting her first child in November.

Tiff and I were at tiff’s parent’s house. Construction workers were gonna demolishes it so they told us to get out of the house by 6am but we didn’t set the alarm and oversleep. When we woke up to they were already demolishing the house, so I grab my phone saying I need my pictures, we were crying and scared. We ran downstairs and the whole floor was flooded so we staring to swim then I dropped my phone.  I had to drive down to the basement to get it, when I swam back up tiff was sitting in the living room with her parents (which wasn’t flooded) however the backhoe trucks were still outside tearing down the porch. Tiff yelled at me for getting my phone, but I told her I needed my pictures then she said “didn’t you save all your pics on Kodak” then I said “Oh yea” then I woke up.

I know it makes no sense but that’s my dream, I think it has to do with her pregnancy, maybe something when her water breaks I won’t be there or something. How would you analyze it?

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