April 15, 2011

For the last three nights

My husband and I have been getting kittens out of our dryer vent.  The first one was actually behind our dryer, I named his Dusty since he is all gray and covered in dust. We thought he was the only one who climbed into vent until last night, when I heard more meowing.  Once I opened up the vent three little heads pop out, Moe, Larry, and Curly.  Once again thinking that all kittens were out until this afternoon, the last kitten started meowing, LOUD, and he was the most stubborn one of all.  My poor husband (who has allegories to dust and allergic to cats) tore apart the dryer vent all through out our basement, this kitten refused to leave.  After two hours he finally walked out, my husband named him killer because... well lets just say he needs to go to confession lol, which I missed tonight because of this last kitten.

1 comment:

. said...

What a surprise for you all!