June 27, 2011

I need a second eye

In my field of work, we always use another person to find what we are missing so I am going to use that principle here.  I am throwing our annual BBQ this weekend and starting to feel a little the pressure. We are expecting 30 adults and 15 children, yes it is a potluck BBQ
Here is the menu


Pasta salad
Potato salad
Tuna salad
Corn on the cob (me)

Main Course
Hot Dogs (me)
Hamburgers (me)
Chicken Wings
Sausage and peppers

Ice Cream Sandwiches

Beer (me)
Soda (me)
Water (me)
Sangria (me)
Juice Box

I am thinking for the last minute people who ask what they can bring, I am going to say a veggie platter or cupcakes.

Now the most important part.... Here is my work-in-process To-Do list

Am I missing anything?
Clean off dining room table
Clean out fridge and freezer (plan on eating whatever we can for the next week to this out)
Bake banana bread and make Ziti for the next two night's dinner

Tuesday (work till 6)
Move living room toys to Monkey’s room
Pull out decoration and start thinking where I want everything

Set up inside decorations

Clean House
*Recycling night

Friday (work till 1)
Go Food Shopping
Prep corn-on-the-cob
Set up outside decorations and set up tables
Maybe paint my nails!
*Bulk pick up and garbage night

Saturday Morning
Walk through common area (we live in a townhouse community)
Set up baby pool and waterslide
Fill Coolers
Turn on the radio


Janelle thegeekywife said...

ice (unless it's already on your shopping list)

Matushka Anna said...

I second the ice. Always get more ice than you think you need. You can always put overflow in cheap styrofoam coolers. Also plates and cups and things if you're the one providing (probably already on your list).

On Friday stick the cold drinks either on ice or the fridge.

Set up trash cans, big ones if possible. Put at least three bags in, one on top of another so when one gets full you can just pull it out and you're ready to go. OR, set up side-by-side recycling and trash cans with BIG labels on them.

(word verification was "bless"! Good sign!)

brittany said...

do you have buns for the burgers and dogs?
how about condiments? ketchup..mustard..relish..
sides? - colesale..potato salad..macaroni salad..etc..
just a regular salad?
napkins/paper towels..
i agree with the ice!!!

Amanda said...

Thank you ladies, we bought all the food and supplies minus ice. We have NO room as of right now for anything else. Yea I like the idea of packing the cooler friday night instead of Saturday!